Monthly Archives: September 2019

God Moments & Hiccups

I’ve been reading miracle stories to my grandchildren and telling them of some of the miracles I’ve seen when praying for others. After family dinner recently, my 8-year-old granddaughter had the hiccups. As most of us know, they can get downright annoying! She came to me and asked if I would pray for her hiccups to go away. I loved that this was her answer to the hiccups problem. We prayed and nothing happened. So, we prayed again and they were gone. Her faith increased as did mine!

Last night, it happened again. Annoying hiccups. (Hmm, could it be my cooking?) Again, she asked if I’d pray for them to go away. This time, I involved her little brother and his prayer was so sincere and sweet. But they didn’t go away and he was off to the Treasure Chest for his reading reward and didn’t have time to mess with a second prayer. He’s a fast decision-maker when choosing his prize, and she is one who takes her time and looks at everything in the Treasure Chest. Twice! And the hiccups were still there. I put my hands on her chest and asked if we could pray again. Simple prayer. Amazing God. Hiccups gone.

On rough days, these God-moments remind me of how much He cares about what we care about. It reminds me of what’s important to Him – child-like faith, persistence, and trust. If it matters to us, He will let us know our small things (or the big ones) have His attention.

My books that teach kids (and adults) about how much God loves us, are available on Amazon. Or you can go to my Books page here:   Angels on Assignment books

Copyright 2019 Nadine Helmuth Patton

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