Author Archives: thehearteyes

Human Doing or Human Being?

Does your life make a difference? Is the world a better place because you are in it? Most of us want to answer ‘yes’ and know we have a purpose. But some seasons of our life don’t feel very productive or valuable. Other times we become ultra-accomplishment focused and lose sight of the simplicity of caring and kindness.

I grew up in a very conservative Mennonite family. I refer to those days as “cap and gown” since I wore a head covering and a cape dress. All the time. I could ride a bicycle in a long, flowy dress. I could climb ladders and fences in a dress. My parents were horse and buggy Amish. My first language was a dialect of high German often known as Pennsylvania Dutch. It was an idyllic childhood that was filled with family and community and laughter. As I came into pre-teen years, there were a lot of rules, and I began to thrive as a human doing. But my heart hungered for freedom. I wanted to experience God, not just know about Him. It was a deep desire to know that His love is relational, not conditional on my keeping of the rules.

The past few months I’ve had amazing opportunities to sit across from women who share the stories of their lives. Lives that are way off my grid. One was a pagan witch, another a turban-wrapped mother with her one-year-old turban-wrapped child who was in a very controlling relationship. I also met with a fully-burka-clad Muslim who was lovely and kind and a 19-year-old who was being influenced by many of her friends to think that smoking marijuana during pregnancy would make babies smarter.

Where they come from and where I’ve come from is quite different! I’ve not experienced the horrors of many of their lives, and I don’t claim to have easy answers. I do know that each one needs to know they have value because they are human beings, not human doings. I tell them that.

I also know that they, like me, have been created with a God-shaped hole inside of them that we as humans attempt to fill with lots of things. Many try to earn God’s pleasure with religious ‘doings’, not realizing He’s done it all for us. There’s no true peace without that ‘hole’ in us being filled by a God who knows us. A God who lovingly gives us everything we need for fulfillment.

I never expected to be at this place at this moment. A little Mennonite girl with no confidence and a fear of talking to people. What seems like an unlikely pairing of women is, in reality, a divine connection. There have been many seasons where I felt like not much was happening. I had to take risks and trust Him to do the impossible. Some days I still feel like a drop of water in a sea of impossible human situations. But I trust that Almighty God can use that one drop to create a ripple, and that small ripple can affect my world for good. Only then, can I truly make a difference and make my world a better place.

Because of God and His kindness, and the encouragement of people He strategically set in my path, I have come to know I have value and significance not by what I can DO, but by Who I belong to. And because I live for a God who values relationships, I do my best to bring that offer to those He brings into my world.

Copyright © 2017 Nadine Patton.

All Rights Reserved

Are Your Angels Bored?

Illustration ©Ashley Burgess from Angels on Assignment, Adventures on the Farm

Are Your Angels Bored?

If my life doesn’t include a need for something bigger than the natural realm, my angels might be bored.

I’ve flippantly said things like “Wow, your angels were sure watching over you” or “you sure give your angels a workout” when there was a near disaster. That may be true; angels do serve humans by protecting them. But I don’t believe they’re meant just to be rescuers from our predicaments that often come from wrong choices.

When angels showed up in the Bible – the heavenly host notify-ers to the shepherds of Jesus’ birth, the attenders of Jesus when He was in the wilderness with the enemy, the good-news givers in the empty tomb, the jail-breaker one when Peter was in prison – there was something supernatural going on.

I want to be on ‘kingdom of heaven assignments’ that require more than my own ability. I want to take passionate steps into the realm that is higher than what I can do in the natural and trust God’s faithfulness. I also know that God’s resources include His heavenly host, His attenders in our tough places of the impossible, His bearers of great news and His powerful hopeless-situation-breakers.

Our fight is not against human beings; it’s from the spirit realm.  But our enemy is real and evil. The opposition to bringing God’s kingdom and His truth into our world is fierce, and we need supernatural help. Angels are available to help us in our impossible-looking battle against the evil in our world; they are one of the many resources God can give to us.

Our enemy comes to destroy, to deceive and to wreak havoc with humans. Our choices do make a difference. For God to give humans free will is amazing. And with free will comes the choice to follow Him wholeheartedly or not. Twisted thinking keeps human beings from believing God loves them fully and unconditionally and then responding to that. Distortions of the Truth bring fear to the hearts of humans because they don’t know His perfect love that will override that fear. Hopelessness can overwhelm to the point of oppression and lies we believe cause us to doubt that we have a Divine design and purpose.

When I partner with God’s purpose to “go and make followers, bringing healing and life, -because freely you have received, freely give”, that assignment is impossible without supernatural help. Whether God sends a heavenly host to bring good news or one angel that’s powerful and invisible and uses heaven’s remote gate-opener to answer the prayers of a praying group, I’m in!

The Bible indicates their purpose is often to bring divine intervention. Angels usually showed up with such impressiveness, that most humans would shake with fear or fall in awe when they were seen. I love that Almighty God wants to communicate with us as humans and helps us in many ways that are beyond our natural comprehension.

There’s a lot of evil in our world, but we don’t have to live in fear when we believe the truth. It’s important to equip the next generation to understand that God has given us authority and power over all the works of the enemy. It’s one of the reasons I wrote Angels on Assignment, Adventures on the Farm. It’s a great way to open up conversations with a child in your life and give them the gift of truth that empowers them to live in freedom.

“Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” I Peter 5:8

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14

Copyright © 2017 Nadine Patton.

All Rights Reserved

Unshakable Faith

A dear friend of mine was born in Egypt and grew up in a Muslim family. One of the things I love most about her is the joy she finds in all of life. I’ll call her Joyful. Her Love Encounter inspires me and she’s allowed me to share it.

Joyful came to know Jesus personally through a radical encounter in an open vision of seeing Jesus in her room. It was life altering for her.

Joyful was Muslim and when her husband chose to follow Christ, she was prepared to divorce him. She knew what it meant to her family. But as he and others fasted and prayed for her, she went through a myriad of emotions. When Jesus encountered her, she said Yes to following Him no matter the cost. Her cost has been high. Both she and her husband have been banished from their extended families. They have changed their names to provide safety for their children. They have gone through financial and physical disasters and Joyful continues to have joy. Most of her texts to me call me dear and love. She finds the good when things look impossible. This is a display of the kingdom of God. She allows the suffering in her life to bring her to rely more fully on the One her gives her true life. It’s stunning to watch.

I have permission from my husband to tell you his Love Encounter. Like Joyful, Gary had a radical encounter of Jesus revealing Himself one night in his bedroom. As a child, he’d gone to church with his family and as a teenager, he became hungry to really know God. His parents were getting divorced when his brother was killed in a motorcycle accident. Although he was devastated, the encounter he had with God right before this gave him the courage to trust and not lean to his own understanding. His life with God has continued to give him a steadfast assurance in many of life’s bummer days. I’ve been married to him for 37 years and most weekday mornings he’s up at 4:00 to spend time with his God. He too, has allowed the tough things in his life to bring him to rely more fully on the One who gives true life.

It seems to me that believers in Jesus, who come to Him because of a love encounter, are unshakable in their faith.

Joyful found her parents’ religion made her a human doing and was based on her efforts. Choosing the relational love of Jesus gave her freedom as a human being and was based on what He had done for her.

I came to know Jesus though a lot of teaching and learning about Him. I’m grateful for all of it. I also pray to experience Him more. There is a difference between knowing someone loves you and experiencing that love in a deeply personal way. Knowing God intellectually doesn’t change us much.

Love changes us. Our God-love towards others can change them. Love dies to self to bring an opportunity for true life to others.

Jesus not only said it, He lived it. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Love like that is beyond the natural realm. That’s the greatness about Easter.

Copyright © 2017 Nadine Patton.

All Rights Reserved.



Cheeto hands! Cheeto hands!

Going on a “Grands’ field trip” with the dad is somewhat different than with the mom. (Mom’s at home with a new baby). It’s still educational, just in a different way! I figured that out as we entered the Desert Botanical Gardens (with all the other Snowbirds, Spring-Breakers, Spring Training fans and those who are like us, taking advantage of free admission day), and he says, “O.K. kids, today we’re here to see people….since we can’t really see any plants because of them.” Only about 30 of the bajillion people turn to stare at us!

And then this, after we commented on the beauty of our weather. “There’s a blizzard today,” but before he can finish, the 4 year old – looking all around – says, “Where?” And, since this child has  been fortunate enough (in my opinion) not to have seen one, asks, “What’s a blizzard?”

With dad’s answer, the 6 year old dramatic one stops dead in her tracks – only 2 seniors run into her – and with both arms open wide says, “Wait! A blizzard in Pennsylvania? We have cousins there!” Yes, we do and we sympathize.

An explanation of why bees are calmer in their natural habitat of lavender plants brought this educational moment – “You see kids, they’re not acting like they’re high on crack like the ones we see all the time (in the city) who live off of spilled soda on stadium seats.” Only 45 of the bajillion people turn to stare at him.

After the Cheetos snack, he had them follow him, marching like little ducks, with their hands outstretched in single file towards the restrooms, calling out his warning, “Cheeto hands! Cheeto hands!” Everyone around did seem to heed his warning or at least were backing away for some reason!

You don’t want to know the details of what happens when the dad deals with a “snot rocket” and has no tissues. You don’t. Just don’t shake hands with a dad of a snot-nosed kid!

And then, “Oh, look. It’s an organ pipe cactus. Do you think I should play it?” Although he’s leaning in towards it, he listens when his kids yell, “No, Dad!” Yep, he’s a great dad and I’m proud of his skills. He does educate, just a bit differently.

Copyright © 2017 Nadine Patton.

All Rights Reserved.


HAPPY HEARTS DAY – The Mennonite and The Hippie

Impressive Moments

From the first time I, the Mennonite, and he, the Hippie, met, we’ve had some impressive moments. The choice has often been whether to laugh or cry. Here’s to laughter for a Happy Hearts Day!
It was my first visit to meet Gary’s family. Wanting to impress me, he took me out on the lake on his dad’s boat. Knowing nothing about boating, I wasn’t sure if it was a problem that water seemed to be coming into the boat rather quickly and I was hesitant to mention it right away. He was at the bow, looking mostly forward or at me, and didn’t notice that we were sinking. Seems he had forgotten to put the plug in before we started and yes, it kind of was a problem! As he turned us around and headed back, the water kept rising higher around my ankles and I tried not to panic. We somehow made it back to the dock and managed not to sink. It was an impressive moment!
Another escapade on that same lake was when I first tried water skiing with 2 skis. Gary and his dad were my teachers and I was more than a little embarrassed. No experience and no skills, but I managed to get up on the skis rather quickly. What a thrill to be gliding along the top of the water. However, no one had mentioned how to fall or what to do when I was ready to stop. Suddenly I went down, the skis in a large V, with the lake water enema in full force! Yep, that was impressive!
One of Gary’s most startling encounters with my Mennonite world was after we were married and lived in another state. Coming back to visit my parents, we stayed in the upstairs of the old farmhouse where the only shower was downstairs. One morning around 7:00, Gary went downstairs for a shower and as he opened the stairway door into the large living room, it was filled with a group of Amish people, now staring at him. He was quite shocked and certainly didn’t understand such early visiting hours, but took it in stride with a warm greeting! He walked through the crowd and headed on to the shower. Unknown to any of us, it seems my mother’s cousins from Illinois had a visiting plan for that day, a driver and a van, and our house was the first stop! A dozen Amish cousins taking up the entire living room in his in-laws’ house and all eyes on him as he opened that door at 7:00 a.m., did make an impression!
The best memory from the beginning of our relationship was the steak dinner. Gary loves steak and although he could barely afford it, he took me to a very nice restaurant. I don’t remember the steak, but I remember his request of me. He asked if I would pray before we ate. As a young Mennonite woman, this was a big deal. He wanted to see into my heart and knew this would show him a lot. The former hippie’s greatest concern was to see who I really was by how I prayed for food – now that’s impressive!

© Copyright 2017 Nadine Patton

All Rights Reserved

Once upon a short time ago….

The Mustang, Gary’s 2000 GT 300 white horse with ‘extra’ power had a problem. Just so you know, it has a tricked out transmission, a performance chip in the computer and can make noise! He bought it brand new and has taken great care of it, but it has lots and lots of miles. A broken piece made it not drive-able. Dealer price – $485. Other place price -$285. He asked The Helper for help. A prayer. Holy Spirit brought a junk-yard to mind. Can’t say he was thrilled, but was obedient. What he paid for real at the junk-yard – $16.Mustang soft edge

I believe God wants to bring His kingdom ways into every area of our lives because He is relational. His kingdom functions in a different realm, a supernatural one. But it comes to our natural one if we ask. When Jesus was on earth, He taught often about the kingdom of heaven. His lifestyle showed us that the ways of His kingdom can be lived on earth.

Kingdom-minded believers live with an alertness to what God has available. And believe He cares and reveals things to us. Expectation for the miraculous is faith. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. I Corinthians 4:20

Legacy Matters

Helmuth Fam photo
Four years ago we said our earthly good-byes to Mom. It was less than a year before that we’d said these good-byes to Dad. It makes me think more about heaven. It also motivates me to leave a legacy for future generations as they did.
A legacy of forgiving when they were wronged in business and not becoming bitter. A legacy of acceptance of those who believed differently, giving great value to relationships. A life spent with a lot of joy and laughter despite pain and sorrow. A legacy that used time spent on earth to love fully and to give time and resources to the things that counted for eternity.
The choices we get to make in life can make a difference beyond our earthly existence. It’s like a relay race. Each prize is gained according to how the last runner finishes. It isn’t just about us. We make a difference for generations to come by what we do now in our race.
You may not have received a rich legacy baton to pass along, but you can start the relay race for the next generation. We can run our best to pass along what really matters for eternity.

The Blessings Jar

The accident threatened to traumatize me. I knew I had to act quickly. He was holding his hand over his eye and was crying in pain. He wouldn’t let me look at it. There was blood. On his face. And I was alone with him on our farm in the country. My parents were both working and he had been left in my care.

There were no cell phones and I couldn’t reach anyone. I didn’t know how to drive a stick shift, but Grandpa’s truck was the only thing available and I managed to drive it in first gear for a mile up the dirt road where my parents worked.

That was the day my brother’s eye had become the target of a B.B. that ricocheted from a tree when he was hunting birds. When I finally got to look at it, I thought I would throw up. I told my mother it looked like raw hamburger. I couldn’t imagine it could be saved or that he would ever see with it again.

It’s one of the first miracles I remember and it was much later that I realized the wonder of that moment in my early years. Recognizing the miraculous is important. It helps us to know deeply that we live in a realm that includes the supernatural. For me, it means God is personal and knows me. And He gives intentional, personal love.

Blessings jarIt’s my desire to live with gratitude and inspiration every day so that it becomes my way of life, not just at Thanksgiving time. I started our ‘Blessings Jar’ several years ago. This year it’s brimming over.

Blessings we include in the jar are moments of unexpected wonder and the more we recognize them, the more that seem to come our way. One was in January when I prayed for a hiking stick and in our desert neighborhood with no trees around, there it was. Perfect in shape and size. Another was an unexpected financial gift. In the middle of a Saturday morning in July. Just a random text. There have been surprise moments and family memories.

The prayers I’ve seen answered this year are a wonder and amaze me. And I’m grateful. I believe for answers and when they come, they bring the joy of knowing I live for a God who knows me and loves me. And in those moments of angst when I lose sight of His grace, it’s a good time to go to the “Blessings Jar’ and remember.

Blessings are not a reward for being good. The kingdom of heaven gives to the undeserving. I could never measure up on my own works. What counts with God is my heart.

Blessings can come in many ways. Recognizing the gift and the Giver have great value in the kingdom that is not of this world. When we stare at something for a long time and then close our eyes, that image often reflects in our mind. I believe what we focus on shapes who we are. Recognizing a blessing may take changing what we focus on.

And yes, my brother has use of both of his eyes nearly 40 years later and can see great.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

A Significant Moment

My Tribute to my Friend, Virginia

I love remembering moments of significance in my life and not realizing at the time how significant they were. This one – so significant and life-changing for me.

I met Virginia at a little church in my neighborhood and after hearing a bit of her story, I knew this was someone I wanted to get to know. Several days later, I saw her walking in my neighborhood. So the next time I saw her at church, I asked if she would want to hike together. She was super excited to have a walking partner and we began to walk and talk. Long walks. Long talks. I’d never heard of ‘prayer walking a neighborhood’ before Virginia. I’d never heard of a lot of things before Virginia!

She became my mentor, although I’m quite sure she wouldn’t have called herself that. She was just doing what she did best – telling the stories of God’s amazing goodness that she’d experienced first-hand and making me hungry for that. Honestly, those first weeks I thought her adventures were wild and crazy!

She loved Australia and she loved Turkey. She’d experienced the miraculous in those places and told me of the people she’d seen God touch with healing and other miracles. So many stories, so much goodness. Sometimes weirder than my comfort level! I’d known God all of my life, but I hadn’t experienced many encounters of this sort!

When she cleaned out her stuff in anticipation of going back to Australia, she gave me a 6 set CD series on healing by a pastor named Bill Johnson. I’d never heard of him and I wasn’t a big fan of listening to sermons on CD’s. But I decided to humor her and gave the first one a try. I listened and loved his teaching. I’d never heard anyone so gifted in presenting the truth of the Bible and he was calm, not a yelling preacher. He’d also experienced a lot of miracles, signs and wonders. This opened up a whole new realm of God to me and I wanted more. Gary and I eventually visited the church he pastored in California and it was an amazing place.

Virginia was sometimes like a phantom. I wouldn’t hear from her for weeks. I couldn’t keep up with where she was traveling. She went to Australia as much as possible. She visited her children and grandchildren in Colorado and Texas. She hung out with her brother, wherever his RV would take him. When she’d get back in to town, she’d give me a call and I’d get to hear about her latest adventures.

She once told me she could pack everything she owned into 2 suitcases except her bed, her computer and her desk and she liked it that way. It was the freedom she needed to go wherever God led her to go.

When her brother became ill, she cared for him constantly. Gary & I went to pray with him several times and again we saw the miraculous in fun ways despite the pain of life. She cared for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and continuously told me how wonderful they were. (Then I met them! Ha! They actually weren’t perfect!) But she loved with great expectancy, knowing their weaknesses and difficulties, but loving them well and believing the best of them all.

We had our own crazy adventures. Once she went to buy a car sight unseen from an individual and just needed me to drive her there, then follow her home in this car she’d never laid eyes on. Really? She loved to ‘prophetically read tattoos’ on the beach in Australia. Her faith sometimes really freaked me out! She’d been a children’s pastor and those kids were now grown up and on their own unusual faith adventures, but she was so proud of these kids who were changing the world.

The last times together were painful. I knew I was much stronger in my faith because of her. I knew she needed me to be strong for her family as they reconciled the news of her illness. I prayed over her when she was unconscious. I prayed with her when she was cognizant. We prayed together for a miracle. I prayed with her kids and grandkids and we cried together as we tried to understand her communication after the stroke.

She has impacted my life and many around me. She invited me into her world and it has been incredibly significant to me. She taught me a lot, but these are the most significant: 1. Live without too much stuff, so you’re available at any time to go anywhere God tugs at you. 2. Invest in people who passionately want to pursue the heart of God because they’ve watched it be real in your life. 3. Take risks and believe for the same miracles of the Bible to come today because it’s the same God as those days. 4. Live life so that’s there’s a big hole on earth when you leave it.

Painful as this moment in time is, I’m forever grateful that our paths crossed and that the seemingly insignificant invitation to walk our neighborhood hills together actually became one of the most significant moments of my life.

Virginia pix

With Virginia and her grandson when they hosted a Birthday party for me several years ago.

Copyright © 2016 Nadine Patton.

All Rights Reserved. Continue reading


We were off to a rough start. It was my day to hang out with my 10 year old Grand after school. There’d been that little note from school about ‘messing around and spilling’, which led me to believe it wasn’t really me that had put him in defense mode. But when I wanted to help him with homework, he seemed intent on working on his lawyering skills, i.e. arguing technicalities. My love for spelling and its great value isn’t necessarily shared by this intelligent and energetic growing boy!

Before I knew it, we were having a stand-off. Wait a minute. Our time together had become not fun and I didn’t want to be grumpy Grammie, neither did I enjoy time spent with Little League Lawyer. Sigh.

I asked him if he would like to start our time together over?  To my surprise, he agreed. I offered that he could go to the kitchen and walk back to the living room and we’d just start over. He walked back in and very sweetly said ‘Hi’. And we were off to a fresh hr-1351-152-697--1351152697002start.

My techie husband’s favorite fix for electronics that are uncooperative is to unplug and re-plug. That one annoys me in its simplicity when I’ve tried everything else. But it works.

Sometimes it’s what we as human beings need. The chance for a re-start. God gave the best solution to our failures and faults when He sent Jesus to be our sacrifice. I could never have gotten it right enough. My good deeds would never be enough to atone for my sin. I needed a re-start. Grace. Something I don’t deserve and can’t earn. He forgives all our sins and heals all our sicknesses. He saves us from the grave, and he gives us love and compassion. He gives us plenty of good things. He makes us young again, like an eagle that grows new feathers. (Psalm 103)

My heart can choose to say Yes to this! I like the ‘young again’ part and try to prove it when I play soccer with this Grand. That’s when he’s the one giving lots of second chances!

Copyright © 2016 Nadine Patton.

All Rights Reserved.